Beautify the park, improve the watershed, and support green jobs image

Beautify the park, improve the watershed, and support green jobs

Support the installation of conservation landscaping in Symphony Woods in Summer 2021 with Howard EcoWorks and the Inner Arbor Trust

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In 2021, a new community-driven concept plan for Symphony Woods was approved to make our lovely woods a place for everyone to come and enjoy nature and art. The implementation of this concept plan begins with the installation of conservation landscaping. Planting colorful borders that will not only beautify the grounds but will help to improve the watershed.

The Inner Arbor Trust and Howard EcoWorks have partnered to beautify Symphony Woods, improve the watershed, and provide green job training in the summer of 2021. The non-profit Inner Arbor Trust was formed to preserve and enhance Symphony Woods. Howard EcoWorks is a sustainable landscaping non-profit that provides training and career readiness for young adults and the under-served, including horticultural programming at the Howard County Department of Corrections. Together we will create this beautiful, sustainable vision for this treasured community space, all the while helping to create green jobs for our community members and second chances for deserving citizens to get back on their feet.

As non-profits without dedicated funding structures, the Trust and EcoWorks rely on grants and donations to fulfill their important missions. Coming out of the pandemic, funding is more challenging than ever before, and our organizations rely on donors. Our goal is to raise $50,000 by May 30, 2021.

100% of your gift will go towards supporting the installation of conservation landscaping in Symphony Woods by Howard EcoWorks READY program green job trainees. Your gift will not only improve the environment but will invest in the development of green job skills and providing opportunities for workforce development.


Sustainability Sponsor ($1,000)

  • Plant identification tag/ sign which recognizes sponsor (visibility to 100,000 visitor trips per year).
  • One garden paver with name.
  • Invitation for 2 to reception to celebrate completion.
  • Acknowledgment in electronic and written materials about project.
  • Acknowledgment on primary sponsor signage.

Garden Donor ($500)

  • One garden paver with name.
  • Invitation for 2 to reception.
  • Acknowledgment on primary sponsor signage.

Plant Donor ($100)

  • One garden paver with name.
  • Invitation for 2 to reception to celebrate completion.

Seed Donor ($50)

  • Invitation for 1 to reception to celebrate completion.